Programming Software Programs

In fileformatpro Programming Software Programs database you can find the list of all programming software.

Software License Deafult File
Alpha Software Alpha Anywhere image.  Alpha Software Alpha Anywhere 2 Commercial .A5W
Google Android SDK image.  Google Android SDK 23 Freeware .APK
Aspose Aspose.Total for .NET image.  Aspose Aspose.Total for .NET 16.3.0 Commercial .DOCX
Adobe Authorware image.  Adobe Authorware 7 Commercial .A7P
Bare Bones BBEdit image.  Bare Bones BBEdit 13 Commercial .BBPROJECTD
BlueJ image.  BlueJ 3 Open Source .BLUEJ
Code Blocks image.  Code Blocks 13 Open Source .CBP
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) image.  GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 8.2 Open Source .C
Embarcadero Delphi image.  Embarcadero Delphi XE6 Commercial .DPROJ
Eclipse Foundation Eclipse image.  Eclipse Foundation Eclipse 4 Open Source .PROJECT
Adobe Edge Animate image.  Adobe Edge Animate CC Commercial .AN
Richardson EditRocket image.  Richardson EditRocket 4 Commercial .HTML
GNU Emacs image.  GNU Emacs 27 Open Source .EL
Adobe Flash Builder image.  Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 PREMIUM Commercial .FXP
Free Pascal Team Free Pascal image.  Free Pascal Team Free Pascal 2 Open Source .PAS
Florian Rival GDevelop image.  Florian Rival GDevelop 3 Open Source .GDG
Flexera InstallShield image.  Flexera InstallShield 2019 Shareware .ISM
ActiveState Komodo Edit image.  ActiveState Komodo Edit 9 Open Source .KPF
Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio image.  Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio 2014 REV3 Commercial .LXSPROJ
MacVim image.  MacVim 7 Open Source .VIMRC
Oracle MySQL image.  Oracle MySQL 5.6.19 Open Source .CNF
Oracle NetBeans image.  Oracle NetBeans 8 Open Source .JAVA
OpenGL SDK image.  OpenGL SDK 4 Open Source .FSH
SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor image.  SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor 22 Commercial .XPR
Python Software Foundation Python image.  Python Software Foundation Python 3.7 Open Source .PY
Digia Qt SDK image.  Digia Qt SDK 5 Commercial .PRO
Quark QuarkXPress image.  Quark QuarkXPress 2020 Commercial .QXP
Adobe RoboHelp image.  Adobe RoboHelp 2019 Commercial .XPJ
RStudio image.  RStudio 1.2 Open Source .RPROJ
MIT Scratch image.  MIT Scratch 3 Freeware .SB3
SQLite image.  SQLite 3.8.5 Open Source .SQLITE
Progress Stylus Studio image.  Progress Stylus Studio X15 RELEASE 2 Commercial .XML
SmartBear TestComplete image.  SmartBear TestComplete 12 Commercial .MDS
MacroMates TextMate image.  MacroMates TextMate 2 Commercial .TMPROJECT
Bare Bones TextWrangler image.  Bare Bones TextWrangler 4 Freeware .TXT
Unity Technologies Unity image.  Unity Technologies Unity 5.4 Commercial .UNITY
Vim image.  Vim 7 Open Source .TXT
Microsoft Visual Basic image.  Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Commercial .VBP
Microsoft Visual FoxPro image.  Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 Commercial .DBC
Microsoft Visual Studio image.  Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Commercial .SLN
Microsoft Visual Studio Code image.  Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1 Open Source .HTML
Apple Xcode image.  Apple Xcode 10 Freeware .XCODEPROJ
Microsoft XML Notepad image.  Microsoft XML Notepad 2007 Open Source .XML
Altova XMLSpy image.  Altova XMLSpy 2017 Commercial .XML
Xojo image.  Xojo 2015 Commercial .XOJO_PROJECT
Zend Studio image.  Zend Studio 12 Commercial .PHP
Software License Default File

About Licensing
  1. Free Trial This software are often used for an attempt period, like 14 days, before requiring payment. Some trial versions have a reduced feature set.
  2. Free This software is liberal to use. Examples include open-source , freeware software, like free programs supported by advertising.
  3. Free+ This software is liberal to download and use, but contains in-app purchases (IAP) to unlock additional content or functionality.
  4. Paid This software must be purchased so as to use it. it's going to be offered as a perpetual license or ongoing subscription.
  5. Included with OS This software is bundled with an OS , like Windows, macOS, or Android.

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