Productivity Software Programs

In fileformatpro Productivity Software Programs database you can find the list of all productivity software.

Software License Deafult File
AbiSource AbiWord image.  AbiSource AbiWord 3 Open Source .ABW
Microsoft Access image.  Microsoft Access 365 Commercial .ACCDB
Adobe Acrobat image.  Adobe Acrobat DC 2019 Commercial .PDF
Swiftpage Act! image.  Swiftpage Act! 17 Commercial .ADF
Apple AppleWorks image.  Apple AppleWorks 9 Commercial .CWK
HR Block HR Block At Home image.  HR Block HR Block At Home 2012 Commercial .T12
GitHub Atom image.  GitHub Atom 1 Open Source .HTML
Adobe Bridge image.  Adobe Bridge CC 2019 Commercial .WORKSPACE
Calligra Suite image.  Calligra Suite 2 Freeware .ODT
Intuit Canada TurboTax image.  Intuit Canada TurboTax 2018 Commercial .TT18
plasq Comic Life image.  plasq Comic Life 3 Commercial .COMICLIFE
CS Odessa ConceptDraw MINDMAP image.  CS Odessa ConceptDraw MINDMAP 8 Commercial .CDMM
CS Odessa ConceptDraw PRO image.  CS Odessa ConceptDraw PRO 10 Commercial .CDDZ
Cool Reader image.  Cool Reader 3 Open Source .EPUB
dBase image.  dBase 8 Commercial .DBF
Adobe Digital Editions image.  Adobe Digital Editions 4 Freeware .EPUB
Google Drive image.  Google Drive 2020 Freeware .GDOC
Microsoft Dynamics AX image.  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Commercial .UDB
Autodesk EAGLE image.  Autodesk EAGLE 9 Commercial .BRD
Craft Edge Easy Cut Studio image.  Craft Edge Easy Cut Studio 4 Commercial .SCUT4
ACCA Edificius image.  ACCA Edificius BIM 2 Commercial .EDF
ES-Computing EditPlus image.  ES-Computing EditPlus 3 Commercial .TXT
Thomson Reuters EndNote image.  Thomson Reuters EndNote X7 Commercial .ENL
Microsoft Excel image.  Microsoft Excel 365 Commercial .XLSX
Microsoft Excel for Android image.  Microsoft Excel for Android 16 Commercial .XLSX
Microsoft Excel for iOS image.  Microsoft Excel for iOS 2 Commercial .XLSX
Microsoft Excel for Mac image.  Microsoft Excel for Mac 2019 Commercial .XLSX
Microsoft Exchange Server image.  Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Commercial .EDB
Final Draft image.  Final Draft 9 Commercial .FDX
TeamViewer for Mac image.  TeamViewer for Mac 14 Commercial .TVS
TeamViewer for Remote Control image.  TeamViewer for Remote Control 14 Freeware .TVS
TeamViewer for Windows image.  TeamViewer for Windows 14 Commercial .TVS
Adobe FrameMaker image.  Adobe FrameMaker 12 Commercial .FM
Fritzing image.  Fritzing 0.9 Open Source .FZ
gEDA image.  gEDA 1 Open Source .SCH
gedit image.  gedit 3 Open Source .TXT
Gnumeric image.  Gnumeric 1 Open Source .GNUMERIC
GoodiWare Good.iWare GoodReader for iOS image.  GoodiWare Good.iWare GoodReader for iOS 4 Commercial .PDF
gretl image.  gretl 1 Open Source .GDT
gVim image.  gVim 7 Open Source .VIM
Half-Baked Hot Potatoes image.  Half-Baked Hot Potatoes 6 Freeware .JQZ
HotDocs image.  HotDocs 11 Commercial .HFT
Apple iAd Producer image.  Apple iAd Producer 5 Freeware .IADPROJ
ThinkBuzan iMindMap image.  ThinkBuzan iMindMap 9 Commercial .IMX
Seavus iMindQ image.  Seavus iMindQ 6 Commercial .DMMX
Adobe InCopy image.  Adobe InCopy 2020 Commercial .ICML
Xilinx ISE Design Suite image.  Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14 Commercial .XISE
Apple Keynote image.  Apple Keynote 7 Commercial .KEY
KiCad image.  KiCad 4 Open Source .PRO
Rosetta Stone Language Learning image.  Rosetta Stone Language Learning 5 Commercial .RSD
LibreOffice image.  LibreOffice 6 Open Source .ODT
LyxMac image.  LyxMac 2 Freeware .LYX
Apple Mail image.  Apple Mail 8 Bundled .MBOX
Mariner Software Mariner MacGourmet Deluxe image.  Mariner Software Mariner MacGourmet Deluxe 4 Commercial .MGOURMET4
Wolfram Research Mathematica image.  Wolfram Research Mathematica 9 Commercial .NB
MetaQuotes Software MetaQuotes MetaTrader image.  MetaQuotes Software MetaQuotes MetaTrader 5 Commercial .EX5
MiKTeX image.  MiKTeX 2 Open Source .TEX
MatchWare MindView for Mac image.  MatchWare MindView for Mac 5 Commercial .MVD
MatchWare MindView for Windows image.  MatchWare MindView for Windows 6 Commercial .MVDX
Planamesa NeoOffice image.  Planamesa NeoOffice 2017 Commercial .ODT
Nitro Software Nitro Pro image.  Nitro Software Nitro Pro 13 Commercial .PDF
Microsoft Notepad image.  Microsoft Notepad 1903 Bundled .TXT
Notepad++ image.  Notepad++ 6 Freeware .TXT
Apple Numbers image.  Apple Numbers 4 Commercial .NUMBERS
Microsoft Office image.  Microsoft Office 2019 Commercial .DOCX
Ability Office image.  Ability Office 6 Commercial .AWW
SoftMaker Office image.  SoftMaker Office 2018 Commercial .TMDX
SoftMaker Office HD PlanMaker BASIC image.  SoftMaker Office HD PlanMaker BASIC 2016.7 Freeware .PMDX
SoftMaker Office HD Presentations BASIC image.  SoftMaker Office HD Presentations BASIC 2016.7 Freeware .PRDX
SoftMaker Office HD TextMaker BASIC image.  SoftMaker Office HD TextMaker BASIC 2016.7 Freeware .TMDX
MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro image.  MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro 8 Commercial .DOCX
Kofax OmniPage image.  Kofax OmniPage ULTIMATE 19 Commercial .OPD
Nuance OmniPage Pro X image.  Nuance OmniPage Pro X 1 Commercial .OPD
Apache OpenOffice image.  Apache OpenOffice 4 Open Source .ODT
Microsoft Outlook image.  Microsoft Outlook 365 Commercial .MSG
Apple Pages image.  Apple Pages 6 Commercial .PAGES
Apple Pages for iOS image.  Apple Pages for iOS 2 Commercial .PAGES
Nuance PaperPort image.  Nuance PaperPort 14 Commercial .MAX
MAGIX Photostory Deluxe image.  MAGIX Photostory Deluxe 2016 Commercial .MPH
Pico image.  Pico 1 Freeware .TXT
Infraware Polaris Office for Android image.  Infraware Polaris Office for Android 7 Freeware .PDF
Infraware Polaris Office for iOS image.  Infraware Polaris Office for iOS 7 Freeware .PDF
Okino Computer Graphics PolyTrans image.  Okino Computer Graphics PolyTrans 5 Commercial .STP
Microsoft PowerPoint image.  Microsoft PowerPoint 365 Commercial .PPTX
Microsoft PowerPoint for Android image.  Microsoft PowerPoint for Android 1 Commercial .PPTX
Microsoft PowerPoint for iOS image.  Microsoft PowerPoint for iOS 1 Commercial .PPTX
Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac image.  Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac 2019 Commercial .PPTX
Corel Presentations image.  Corel Presentations 2020 Commercial .SHW
Broderbund PrintMaster image.  Broderbund PrintMaster 2020 Commercial .PMX
FileMaker Pro image.  FileMaker Pro 17 Commercial .FMP12
Corel Quattro Pro image.  Corel Quattro Pro 2020 Commercial .QPW
Intuit QuickBooks image.  Intuit QuickBooks 2020 Commercial .QBW
Intuit QuickBooks for Mac image.  Intuit QuickBooks for Mac 2020 Commercial .QB2017
Intuit Quicken for Mac image.  Intuit Quicken for Mac 2017 Commercial .QUICKEN2017
Intuit Quicken for Windows image.  Intuit Quicken for Windows DELUXE 2017 Commercial .QDF
Adobe Reader image.  Adobe Reader DC 2018 Freeware .PDF
Scribus image.  Scribus 1 Open Source .SLA
Microsoft Skype image.  Microsoft Skype 8 Freeware .DBB
Microsoft SQL Server image.  Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Commercial .MDF
Jon Skinner Sublime Text image.  Jon Skinner Sublime Text 3 Commercial .SUBLIME-PROJECT
Sublime HQ Sublime Text image.  Sublime HQ Sublime Text 3 Commercial .SUBLIME-PROJECT
HR Block Canada HR Block Canada Tax Software image.  HR Block Canada HR Block Canada Tax Software 2019 Commercial .H17
HR Block HR Block Tax Software image.  HR Block HR Block Tax Software 2019 Commercial .T18
TaxAct image.  TaxAct 2019 Commercial .TA8
Texmaker image.  Texmaker 4 Open Source .TEX
Apple TextEdit image.  Apple TextEdit 1.15 Bundled .RTF
Smile TextExpander image.  Smile TextExpander 6 Commercial .TEXTEXPANDERSETTINGS
Jonathan Kew TeXworks image.  Jonathan Kew TeXworks 0.4.5 Open Source .TEX
Broderbund The Print Shop image.  Broderbund The Print Shop DELUXE 6 Commercial .PSPROJ
Individual Software Total 3D Home Design Deluxe image.  Individual Software Total 3D Home Design Deluxe 11 Commercial .THL
IMSI TurboFloorPlan 3D Home Landscape Pro for Mac image.  IMSI TurboFloorPlan 3D Home Landscape Pro for Mac 17 Commercial .PRO
IMSI TurboFloorPlan 3D Home Landscape Pro for Windows image.  IMSI TurboFloorPlan 3D Home Landscape Pro for Windows 2019 Commercial .PRO
IMSI TurboPDF image.  IMSI TurboPDF 7 Commercial .PDF
Intuit TurboTax image.  Intuit TurboTax 2019 Commercial .TAX2019
IDM UltraEdit image.  IDM UltraEdit 24 Commercial .TXT
Microsoft Word image.  Microsoft Word 365 Commercial .DOCX
Microsoft Word for Android image.  Microsoft Word for Android 16 Freeware .DOCX
Microsoft Word for iOS image.  Microsoft Word for iOS 2 Commercial .DOCX
Microsoft Word for Mac image.  Microsoft Word for Mac 2019 Commercial .DOCX
Microsoft WordPad image.  Microsoft WordPad 6 Bundled .TXT
Corel WordPerfect image.  Corel WordPerfect 2020 Commercial .WPD
Microsoft Works image.  Microsoft Works 9 Commercial .WPS
Kingsoft WPS Office image.  Kingsoft WPS Office 2019 Freeware .WPS
Kingsoft WPS Office for Android image.  Kingsoft WPS Office for Android 12 Freeware .DOCX
XMind image.  XMind 7 Open Source .XMIND
yWorks yEd Graph Editor image.  yWorks yEd Graph Editor 3 Freeware .GRAPHML
Software License Default File

About Licensing
  1. Free Trial This software are often used for an attempt period, like 14 days, before requiring payment. Some trial versions have a reduced feature set.
  2. Free This software is liberal to use. Examples include open-source , freeware software, like free programs supported by advertising.
  3. Free+ This software is liberal to download and use, but contains in-app purchases (IAP) to unlock additional content or functionality.
  4. Paid This software must be purchased so as to use it. it's going to be offered as a perpetual license or ongoing subscription.
  5. Included with OS This software is bundled with an OS , like Windows, macOS, or Android.

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