What is a PKG.TAR.XZ File Type?
The PKG.TAR.XZ consists of a software package stored in a .TAR archive that has been compressed using .XZ compression, making it easier to distribute the software file. The PKG file contains software that is installed in the Arch Linux distribution using Pacman, a package manager that helps install, upgrade, configure and remove software.
Pacman includes makepkg, pactree, checkupdates and vercmp. The files PKG.TAR.XZ are created when the utility makepkg is run, which compiles the files d' installation of the software in a file PKG.TAR.XZ.
Arch Linux is a Linux distribution released in 2002. Designed for computers based on the i686 and x86 architectures.
What is a Default PKG.TAR.XZ File Name?
PKG.TAR.XZ file naming convention; #91; packagename & #93; .pkg.tar.xz.